Home » EasyPhys » Electromagnetism » Charged Particles, Conductors and Electric and Magnetic Fields » Model qualitatively and quantitatively the trajectories of charged particles in electric fields
Model qualitatively and quantitatively the trajectories of charged particles in electric fields
Trajectory of particle in free fall in Gravitational field
If an object is dropped (initial velocity = 0) in a Gravitational field g, then it falls with an acceleration
Trajectory of particle in free fall in Electrical field
If an object is dropped (initial velocity = 0) in a Electric field E, then it falls with an acceleration
Trajectory of projectile in Gravitational field
Trajectories of particles in projectile motion, in a uniform gravitational field are parabolic. (without air resistance)
Trajectory of projectile in Electrical field
Let’s see how it is in uniform electric field :
- horizontal acceleration = 0
- vertical acceleration:
(constant acceleration)
- These two combine to produce a parabolic trajectory for a projectile
- horizontal displacement in time:
- vertical displacement in time:
- therefore:
, which is the equation of a parabola
- horizontal displacement in time:
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