Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns

Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns in a population using, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL085)

  • DNA sequencing and profiling (ACSBL086)

Use of DNA sequencing and profiling to determine inheritance patterns in population:

  • DNA sequencing is used in evolutionary biology to study how different organisms are related and how they evolved and thus helps in determining how genetic patterns change from population to population.
  • With the introduction to high throughput sequencing methods such genome sequencing, genome resequencing, transcriptome profiling (RNA-Seq), DNA-protein interactions (ChIP-sequencing), and epigenome characterization helps in analysing DNA derived from human specimens thousands of years old can now be sequenced to unveil insights into our evolutionary past.
  • Using PCR technology, DNA analysis is widely applied to determine genetic family relationships such as paternity, maternity, siblingship and other kinships. There are predictable inheritance patterns at certain locations (called loci) in the human genome, which have been found to be useful in determining identity and biological relationships. These loci contain specific DNA markers that scientists use to identify individuals. In a routine DNA paternity test, the markers used are short tandem repeats (STRs), short pieces of DNA that occur in highly differential repeat patterns among individuals.


Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.

EasyBio > Heredity > Inheritance Patterns in a Population > Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns

Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns in a population using, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL085)

  • DNA sequencing and profiling (ACSBL086)

Use of DNA sequencing and profiling to determine inheritance patterns in population:

  • DNA sequencing is used in evolutionary biology to study how different organisms are related and how they evolved and thus helps in determining how genetic patterns change from population to population.
  • With the introduction to high throughput sequencing methods such genome sequencing, genome resequencing, transcriptome profiling (RNA-Seq), DNA-protein interactions (ChIP-sequencing), and epigenome characterization helps in analysing DNA derived from human specimens thousands of years old can now be sequenced to unveil insights into our evolutionary past.
  • Using PCR technology, DNA analysis is widely applied to determine genetic family relationships such as paternity, maternity, siblingship and other kinships. There are predictable inheritance patterns at certain locations (called loci) in the human genome, which have been found to be useful in determining identity and biological relationships. These loci contain specific DNA markers that scientists use to identify individuals. In a routine DNA paternity test, the markers used are short tandem repeats (STRs), short pieces of DNA that occur in highly differential repeat patterns among individuals.

Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.