Vertigo by Amanda Lohrey
Plot Summary
“Vertigo” opens with our main character, Luke Worley. He’s a 34-year-old guy who has recently picked up bird-watching after moving to the seaside with his wife, Anna. They used to live in the busy city where it was hard to enjoy nature. Things begin to change when Anna starts to struggle with asthma, made worse by the city air. Luke, normally a positive guy, finds that city life, money troubles, and worries about the future are beginning to get him down.
Feeling stuck with health problems and no house of their own, Luke and Anna decide to give country life a go. Their jobs as editors mean they can work from anywhere, so they have the freedom to move. Even though Anna’s doctor warns them about asthma problems in the country, they go ahead with the move. Their decision is about more than just escaping their health and housing issues – they’re also trying to escape life’s letdowns and money struggles.
Their friends think they’re moving because of Anna’s asthma, but the truth is, they’re also tired of the financial pressure and feel like their carefree way of life is being swallowed up by a desire for things they can’t afford.
“Vertigo” seems to be a journey of a couple trying out a different life, growing up, and experiencing the hard realities that adulthood often brings.