Groups Experiencing Health Inequities

Groups Experiencing Health Inequities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Socioeconomically disadvantaged people
  • People in rural and remote areas
  • Overseas-born people
  • The elderly
  • People with disabilities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Higher mortality and morbidity rates.
    • Higher infant mortality rates.
    • Exposure to life threatening events (assault, self-harm).
    • Malicious health habits (e.g. 2x smoking routines than non-ATSI).
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Sub par state of living
    • Unhygienic habitat
    • Unbalanced diet, which is high in saturated fat and refined carbs
    • Uncontrolled way of life
    • Less physical inactivity
  • Environmental Determinants
    • No long term storage capacity for fruits and vegetables
    • Need to travel for longer distances and period
    • Reduced access to health facilities due to residing in remote areas
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Launch awareness and promotion campaigns for educating on healthy lifestyle protocols
    • Finding out possible ways to overcome individual barriers
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • Closing the Gap strategy
    • Allocating balanced funding across all groups to eradicate inequities
    • “Health for Life” program for working towards primary, child and maternity health care

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged People

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Higher mortality rates
    • Low expectancy of life
    • Low rate of survival from diseases
    • 6 times incidence of lung cancer and more likely to have asthma and diabetes
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Take part in activities that promote major health complications
    • No regards of hygiene and primary health facilities because of lack of communication
    • Lower income grade limits access to education
  • Environmental Determinants
    • Lack of proper living arrangements
    • Homelessness limits access to services as they are required to travel to distances for seeking services
    • Children are brought up in an unhygienic environment
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Private organizations can launch support services
    • NGOs can work for promoting awareness and launch health campaigns
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • Providing a minimum form of shelter
    • Allocating sufficient funding to address the needs of people
    • Making healthcare free for underprivileged people

People in Rural and Remote Areas

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Higher mortality and morbidity rates
    • Poorer health status as compared to people in urban areas
    • Lower life expectancy
    • Higher rates of mental illness
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Elevated alcohol consumption
    • Higher levels of smoking
  • Environmental Determinants
    • GPs are found but in less number with fewer facilities
    • Inadequate distribution of medical technology and other necessary equipments for treatment and therapy
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Development of Multi Purpose Service Programs that combine different community service approaches including awareness campaigns, health checkup campaigns and free treatments
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • Distribution of funding ensuring equity
    • Remote health campaigns on a national level
    • Remote health facilities should be created with adequate opportunities of monitoring and treatment

Overseas-born People

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Longer life expectancy
    • Lower death rates
    • Lower hospitalisation rates
    • Lower prevalence of lifestyle risk factors for disease
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Lower health literacy due to language barriers
    • Language barriers also result in low participation in socialization which can often help in gaining health literacy
  • Environmental Determinants
    • Restrict their lives within communities, which decreases the necessity to learn English
    • Language barriers restrict them from gaining health services that available in cities
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Offer English lessons for free or for minimum fees
    • Multilinguals can assist in filling up forms and making them understand the different levels of healthcare
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • Translation services
    • Appointing multicultural service officers
    • Multilingual phone support

The Elderly

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Affected by chronic illnesses, sometime more than one
    • Have the highest rate of injury related hospitalizations
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Have to be dependent on their children for care at old age
    • Often children are hesitant to become a caregiver
  • Environmental Determinants
    • All areas do not have easily accessible health facilities and specialist care
    • Movement becomes difficult with age
    • Reduction of income restricts living in urban areas
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Meals on Wheels – works in providing food services to those elders who cannot travel much
    • Retirement villages include services like social activities, GP home visits and transportation
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • Government funded organizations that help elderly with everyday activities
    • Prevention and intervention campaigns for disease management
    • Promoting strategies for healthy ageing

People with Disabilities

  • Nature and Extent of Inequalities
    • Have poorer health compared to other Australians
    • Have higher rates of consultation with GPs owing to both physical and mental stress
  • Sociocultural Determinants
    • Some disabilities are genetically inherited
    • Disability is highly prevalent in ATSIs
  • Environmental Determinants
    • Disabilities often restrict access to health services
    • Limitations aren’t always restricted to the individual because of this disease. Sometimes, the service pipeline restricts people from getting access to health services (Example: some services require phone calls to be made which can be difficult for people with disabilities)
  • Role of Communities in Addressing Inequalities
    • Door to door assessment with health services
    • Remote GP consultations
    • Social groups
    • Helping find simple jobs they can do
    • Promoting awareness
  • Role of Governments in Addressing Inequalities
    • National Disability Strategy – aims to address inequity in health services among people with disabilities
    • Fund many community and healthcare programs that provide services to people with disabilities