From Struggle to Success How to Find a Tutor


Do you feel like you’re not reaching your full potential in your studies? You’re not alone.

Once a struggling Year 8 student, I managed to transform my academic performance. I topped my Year 12 English cohort and became the Head of English at an independent school by the age of 24.

The secret to my success? Finding the right tutors at the right time.

In this article, I will explore how to find the perfect tutor to propel you toward HSC success.

Setting Clear Goals:

The first step to finding an exceptional tutor is knowing your objectives. Carefully reflect on what you want to achieve. Are you grappling with essay structure or do you want to sharpen your analytical skills?

My tutor in Year 8, Michael, was an experienced teacher. He taught me the fundamentals of essay writing. Every Thursday afternoon, we covered basic skills like writing topic sentences and using evidence to support my arguments.

In Year 12, Richard, a peer who had excelled in his own exams, extended my analytical thinking skills and deepened my comprehension of the texts.

When I needed explicit writing instruction, Michael was the right tutor. When I needed to extend my ideas, Richard was perfect. Knowing your goals will help you identify a tutor who can support you best.

Balancing Cost and Quality:

Investing in tutoring is a commitment, both academically and financially. Prices can vary — qualified teachers may charge upwards of $80-$100 per hour, while recent high-achievers might ask for $40-$60.

If you’re on a tighter budget but require extensive support, it might be more economical to opt for multiple sessions with a recent graduate than a single session with a higher-priced teacher. Nonetheless, ensure that you’re not compromising on the quality of the support you receive, as a poor tutor can do more harm than good.

Choosing the Format:

The digital age has made online tutoring an accessible and affordable option. However, the benefits of face-to-face learning shouldn’t be underestimated. In-person interactions allow for instant feedback, nuanced communication, and relationship building, which are crucial elements in effective learning. Considering your preferences, you might even blend both formats, gleaning the advantages of each.

Testing the Waters:

Find a tutor who offers a trial lesson. This initial meeting lets you evaluate the tutor’s approach and effectiveness before committing. Gather your child’s feedback post-session — their comfort with the tutor is essential. Ask the tutor pointed questions about your child’s strengths and potential areas for growth. If they can’t provide you with a clear assessment of how your child is performing, then find a new tutor.

Involving the Teacher:

Including your child’s subject teacher in the conversation can dramatically improve the tutoring process. This collaboration ensures consistent language and unified goals, preventing any confusion that might arise from mixed messages. A short, coordinated discussion between the teacher and the tutor can make a significant difference.

Taking Action:

If you’re still uncertain about how to proceed or would like personalised tutoring recommendations, I’m here to help. Input your details here to connect with a tutor compatible with your academic aspirations.

Elevate Your Study Game:

It is also worth looking into our HSC study guides. These resources will lay a foundation that your chosen tutor can build on. 

Never Too Late

Your path from struggle to success might seem daunting, but with the right mentorship and resources, you can improve out of site.

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