Inheritance Patterns in a Population

Inquiry question: Can population genetic patterns be predicted with any accuracy?

Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns in a population using, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL085)

  • DNA sequencing and profiling (ACSBL086)

Investigate the use of data analysis from a large-scale collaborative project to identify trends, patterns and relationships, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL073)

  • the use of population genetics data in conservation management
  • population genetics studies used to determine the inheritance of a disease or disorder
  • population genetics relating to human evolution

Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.

EasyBio > Heredity > Inheritance Patterns in a Population

Inquiry question: Can population genetic patterns be predicted with any accuracy?

Investigate the use of technologies to determine inheritance patterns in a population using, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL085)

  • DNA sequencing and profiling (ACSBL086)

Investigate the use of data analysis from a large-scale collaborative project to identify trends, patterns and relationships, for example: (ACSBL064, ACSBL073)

  • the use of population genetics data in conservation management
  • population genetics studies used to determine the inheritance of a disease or disorder
  • population genetics relating to human evolution

Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.