Evaluate the effectiveness of a technology

Evaluate the effectiveness of a technology that is used to manage and assist with the effects of a disorder (ACSBL100)

Use of technology to manage effects of Hearing Disorder:

  • Hearing Assistive Technologies Beyond Hearing Aids
    • A variety of hearing assistive technologies beyond hearing aids can help individuals with hearing loss, particularly those whose loss is moderate to severe.
    • These technologies range from products for personal and home use to systems made available in public spaces and for larger audiences to meet consumer needs. Such technologies include:
      • Personal Sound Amplification Products may be a suitable amplification tool for those who cannot afford a hearing aid or are seeking a low-cost introduction to amplification.
      • Wireless connectivity in hearing aids mitigates many communication issues through use of a remote microphone.
      • Hard-Wired Microphone Systems are very basic microphone systems which are cost efficient and easy to use.
      • Captioning, which can be done either on-site or remotely, involves converting discussions or programming into text that is displayed on a screen.


Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.

EasyBio > Non-infectious Disease and Disorders > Technologies and Disorders > Evaluate the effectiveness of a technology

Evaluate the effectiveness of a technology that is used to manage and assist with the effects of a disorder (ACSBL100)

Use of technology to manage effects of Hearing Disorder:

  • Hearing Assistive Technologies Beyond Hearing Aids
    • A variety of hearing assistive technologies beyond hearing aids can help individuals with hearing loss, particularly those whose loss is moderate to severe.
    • These technologies range from products for personal and home use to systems made available in public spaces and for larger audiences to meet consumer needs. Such technologies include:
      • Personal Sound Amplification Products may be a suitable amplification tool for those who cannot afford a hearing aid or are seeking a low-cost introduction to amplification.
      • Wireless connectivity in hearing aids mitigates many communication issues through use of a remote microphone.
      • Hard-Wired Microphone Systems are very basic microphone systems which are cost efficient and easy to use.
      • Captioning, which can be done either on-site or remotely, involves converting discussions or programming into text that is displayed on a screen.


Extract from HSC Biology Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2017 Board of Studies NSW.