Strategic Role of Financial Management

Strategic Role of Financial Management

  • Financial management must provide the financial resources to allow the implementation of a business’ strategic plan.
  • A strategic plan outlines goals, objectives and future direction of a business.
  • Financial resources ensure the business continues to grow and is able to achieve its goals and objectives.
  • Financial management deals with the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of all financial records of the business
  • The range of activities involved in the strategic management of financial resources include:
    • Setting policies and procedures regarding cash and credit controls
    • Determining the mix of equity and debt finance raising
    • Budgeting, including monitoring actual and planned performance
    • Record keeping and analysis through the use of financial statements and ratios
    • Implementing financial controls
    • Taxation management

Extract from Business Studies Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2010 Board of Studies NSW.