Strategic Role of Operations Management – Cost Leadership, Good/Service Differentiation

Strategic Role of Operations Management – Cost Leadership, Good/Service Differentiation

A business can improve productivity, efficiency and quality through cost leadership and differentiation in order to achieve long term competitive advantage.

Cost leadership: business aims to have the lowest costs or to be the most price-competitive in their market, generally through:

  • Basic products with fewer features, or lower quality
  • Small profit-margins, high volume of sales
  • Example: Kmart.

Cost leadership strategies include:

  • efficient production
  • reduce overhead costs
  • low cost of goods
  • Economies of scale
  • Outsourcing
  • Investment in technology

Economies of scale: cost advantages that can be created as a result of an increase in scale of business operations.

Product differentiation: distinguishing products from your competitors. Product differentiation may allow a business to command a higher price and build brand loyalty. A differentiated product can command a higher premium price.

Price Differentiation strategies include:

  • High Quality
  • Brand image
  • Technology
  • Fast Delivery
  • Custom Products

Extract from Business Studies Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2010 Board of Studies NSW.