Sport As A Traditionally Male Domain

Sport As A Traditionally Male Domain

  • Sport and the construction of masculinity and femininity
  • Implications for participation
  • Sponsorship, policy and resourcing
  • The role of the media in constructing meanings around femininity and masculinity in sport

Sport and The Construction of Masculinity and Femininity

  • Norms and standards set by the society often influence the dubbing of some sports as “fit for male” only.
  • Society imposes upon women that pursuing a career as an athlete will give them a rather manly disposition which according to their opinion inappropriate.
  • Often, family expectations and suggestions drive both males and females in deciding what sports they should play.
  • Females are expected to concentrate on their performance as an athlete by putting in the same effort as men and also represent themselves the way society visualizes a typical female. Unrealistic expectations often lead to body-shaming.

Implications for Participation

  • Sporting events tagged as physically fit for males only often do not involve any participation from female athletes at all. Example: Rugby league
  • Female participation in sport is also influenced by social stereotyping (women should stay home and look after the family).
  • In orthodox cultures, clothing is considered a major factor to hold back women from participating in sporting events.

Sponsorship, Policy and Resourcing

  • Male sports and athletes often cut more deals with sponsors as compared to female sports and athletes.
  • New policies should be implemented so that the distribution and coverage is the same across both male and female sporting events.
  • Teams often experience an added level of expectation to go off limits in order to give a fully driven performance to retain sponsors.
  • Allocation of fundings should be monitored by authority to ensure equal distribution.
  • Communities should be encouraged to allow their children to participate in order to source raw, rising talent.

The Role of the Media in Constructing Meanings Around Femininity and Masculinity in Sport

  • The media should step up in antagonizing social stereotypes and promote both male and female sporting events.
  • The social stigma against unrealistic expectations from a female figure in terms of how she appears should be eradicated.
  • The society should realise that each nation can be represented with an amplified pride if the participation includes all gender cohorts and not only inclines towards males.
  • Mass media should depict the story of female athletes in a manner that sings their contribution in gaining international and national recognition and captivates the society.