Physical Activity, Sport And Cultural Identity

Physical Activity, Sport And Cultural Identity

  • The role of competition
  • Links to cultural identity
  • Relationships to health
  • Ways of thinking about the body.

The Role of Competition

  • Although the joy of participation in spirit, competition in sport is encouraged in all western nations, everyone’s goal being victory over others.
  • For some cultures however, underlying benefits of participation are more important as compared to winning.
  • Often, success in a sporting event increases a community or nation’s confidence and motivates the team to perform even better.

Links to Cultural Identity

  • The roots of Australian sports are buried in England and were introduced in Australia by the then upper class.
  • Sports are often linked to culture that goes back to an individual’s country of origin. Every culture has an unique sport.

Relationships to Health

  • Sports induces physical activity, maintaining homeostasis and optimum metabolism, that helps the body stay sound and fit.
  • The risks of a healthy body being prone to lifestyle disease are less.

Ways of Thinking About the Body

  • Pop-culture references to imaging an athlete’s physique as a perfect body type often leads to social issues, e.g. teenage gym culture.
  • Sports such as gymnastics often demand excessive training periods to keep the body in shape.