What is good health for young people?

What is Good Health for Young People?

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

  • Distinguish those aspects of young people’s lives that make them similar and different to the young people of previous generations
  • Analyse health data for young people and compare with that of other age groups in order to identify the generally positive picture of the health of young people
  • Identify current areas of ill health that are of greatest prevalence among young people
  • Examine how a range of factors may adversely affect the health of young people and propose strategies to overcome these factors
  • Identify the relationship between successfully managing these developmental aspects and health
  • Think critically about how young people’s priorities and values relate to their health by considering questions such as:
    • Is health a priority for young people?
    • What would young people view as the indicators of good health?

Extract from PDHPE Stage 6 Syllabus. © 2009 Board of Studies NSW.